Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

Transparent Proxy OpenWrt polipo/tinyproxy

Untuk membuat proxy biar transparent untuk semua user(tidak perlu mengubah setingan browser) kita harus menginstall polipo juga tiniproxy ;

Install Polipo

Install proxy polipo

# opkg install polipo
Buat Directory di dalam usb sebagai cache :
# cd /mnt/sda3/
# mkdir cache
# cd cache
# mkdir polipo
Konfigurasi Proxy Polipo
# vim /etc/config/polipo

Berikut konfigurasi yang saya buat :
# polipo daemon configuration
config 'polipo' 'daemon'
# daemonise polipo (fork in background)
option 'daemonise' '1'
# where polipo will store its process pid
option 'pidFile' '/var/run/polipo.pid'
config 'polipo' 'general'
option 'enabled' '1'
# adress on which polipo will listen, means all addresses
option 'proxyAddress' ''
# port on which polipo will listen, default is 8123
option 'proxyPort' '8123'
# list of allowed clients to connect
list 'allowedClients' ''
#list 'allowedClients' ''
#list 'allowedClients' ''
# how much RAM memory should Polipo use (in bytes).
option 'chunkHighMark' '1048576'
# enable disk cache index and serverlist of integrated polipo web interface
#option 'disableIndexing' '0'
#option 'disableServersList' '0'
# disable loging to syslog
option 'logSyslog' '0'
# set log file location (disabled when not set)
option 'logFile' '/mnt/sda3/cache/log'
config 'polipo' 'cache'
# disk cache location, you should always use external storage device
# (disabled when not set)
option 'diskCacheRoot' '/mnt/sda3/cache/polipo'
# disk cache cleanup settings
#option 'diskCacheUnlinkTime' '20d'
#option 'diskCacheTruncateTime' '5d'
#option 'diskCacheTruncateSize' '3145728'
# set to 1 if proxy is used by multiple users
#option 'cacheIsShared' '1'
config 'polipo' 'pmm'
# poor man's multiplexing semgnet size to fetch
option 'pmmSize' '8192'
Install TinyProxy
install software packages
opkg update
opkg install tinyproxy luci-app-tinyproxy
Edit vi /etc/config/tinyproxy ;
config tinyproxy
 option User 'nobody'
 option Group 'nogroup'
 option Port '8888'
 option Timeout '600'
 option DefaultErrorFile '/usr/share/tinyproxy/default.html'
 option StatFile '/usr/share/tinyproxy/stats.html'
 option LogFile '/var/log/tinyproxy.log'
 option LogLevel 'Info'
 option MaxClients '100'
 option MinSpareServers '5'
 option MaxSpareServers '20'
 option StartServers '10'
 option MaxRequestsPerChild '0'
 option ViaProxyName 'tinyproxy'
 option enabled '1'
 list Allow ''
 list Allow ''
        list ConnectPort '443'
 list ConnectPort '563'

config upstream
 option type 'proxy'
 option target ''
 option via ''
 Edit vi /etc/firewall.user 
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8888


2 komentar:

  1. Looks to me like it should be redirecting to port 8888 not 3128.

  2. I also like to park outside all the time. The sun burned my car. Every time I get into the car, it's very hot. It's a good thing I have an umbrella now.
